A new program has just been released for Team Fortress 2, called "TF2 Stats", which reads in one of your game files and displays all kinds of interesting information (even more than the score board does). The guy who coded it, did it over the Easter weekend - not bad for a few days work.
It just reads in one of the files ("tf2_playerstats.dmx") from your game directory ("Steam\SteamApps<username>\team fortress 2\tf") - so you don't need to give it your Steam login details or anything risky like that. I've taken a quick look through the code (sneaky sneaky me) and I can't see anything malicious, so I'm presuming it's safe to use.
The only down-side to it is that it requires the .NET Framework 2.0, 3.0, or 3.5 (it has builds for all three), but then again everything else seems to these .NET these days so shouldn't be a problem for most people.
You can download it from my site.
I read about it here, more information here, and the official link (I think) is here.