I spent the morning sorting out all the stuff on my computer - I wrote close 20 DVDs, and now have 43 GB more disk space free, but what a mission.
I'm in the process of ripping all of the DVDs I own to ".avi" so I can just watch them off my hard drive, but it turns out I own 30 DVDs... I thought it was closer to 10 - who knew I was that rich. Anyway, I'm having second thoughts about ripping them because of the disk space, and time, it would take. On the other hand, it saves having to look for the DVD I want to watch (and frees up my DVD drive, if I need to use DVDs/CDs while watching).
I haven't ripped the last few music CDs I've bought to MP3 either, so I spent some time doing that - I own something like 40 CDs... which is quite frightening. Once they're ripped I normalize them - so it's a fairly lengthy process in all. What's ironic is that I'm going to be backing up all my MP3s to DVD (despite having the original CDs), so that I wont need to rip them all again should anything happen to my hard drive - so I guess I'm really just backing up the time it took to rip them.
I still have another 10 DVDs or so to write, possible more - not to mention the DVDs I need to write for other people. I'm considering hiring a DVD-writing-slave to do all this, and all my backing up, for me.
Stupid computers, life would be so much simpler without them. So much to listen to, so much to watch, so much to read, so much to backup.
Okay, that's the end of my rant. At least I'm (mostly) harddrive-crash-safe, and have more disk space. The weather outside is awesome, I should've spent the day at the beach.