These are some of my thoughts on the difference Diablo 3 classes. I'm not a serious gamer, and this isn't an attempt at theory crafting or suggesting that any of the classes are imbalanced. Item drops are random, and can make a huge difference to the damage your character does as well as it's survivability - in my playing I used what items dropped (that I could equip), so these comparisons aren't entirely "fair" in that regard, but I still think my points are valid. It's also worth mentioning that I didn't try leveling up my characters as much as possible in each area, nor did I loot every chest I found etc, so my characters were (all) weaker and less equipped than I'd imagine most players to be... so do keep this in mind when reading my thoughts below, I just wanted to make sure my characters had to work for their kills, and see what the experience would be like.
Demon Hunter:
- best (least annoying) male voice so far, looks pretty cool, and who doesn't like the idea of dual-wielding crossbows
- felt a bit weak at the start of the game, got a lot stronger/easier as the game progressed and I leveled up
- personally not fond of having to keep running away from enemies (so they can't hit me) while shooting them
- Rapid Fire works best if you hold down the key/mouse-button to use it, rather than single casting it (silly me) - does a fairly good job of taking down big mobs or groups of them
- Skeleton King battle felt relatively easy - the Chakram took care of the skeletons he summoned, and being ranged kept me out of (most of) his attacks
Witch Doctor:
- not fond of the (male) voice - not sure what I'd expect/prefer instead
- I don't like the look of the witch doctor... I know it's part of his character , but his twitching makes me think of an old man, hit masks look silly and mojos look like rubber chickens
- felt quite strong all round, between the poison from the darts (doing damage over time) and Zombie Dogs, multiple mobs were getting damaged with minimal effort
- Summon Zombie Dogs was a real game changer - they obstruct mobs from getting to you, and mobs attack them... so you don't have to keep running away as much (see Demon Hunter)
- Horrify was also quite handy at keeping mobs away - even worked on some rare mobs and mini-bosses
- ran low on mana fairly often, later in the gameĀ - definitely think mana-regen gear is be needed (admittedly I kept using my Poison Dart spell, rather than a bow)
- Skeleton King battle was also relatively easy - the dogs occupied the mobs and got in his way, I kept back and kept shooting at him
- looks like an oaf, sounds like an oaf, and reminds me of the ogres in Warcraft
- starts off strong - I was very excited when the first few mobs I attacked splatted and went flying, but not so good when surrounded by mobs, even with Cleave it just didn't help, felt like I was taking damage way too easily (died on two occasions to two Unburieds) - found myself running away from mobs and trying to take them on one at a time
- it seemed like health globes weren't dropping (maybe I just needed them more than with the other classes?) - taking damage (being melee) while not gaining life is a recipe for disaster... definitely think life gain, or more armor, would be needed
- Leap is a great ability for doing damage to a bunch of mobs, getting away from mobs, or for moving around the map a bit easier (don't forget you can jump up and down levels)
- got frustrated several times with a mob that would set up out in front of me (especially in a doorway) while I was targeting another mob - my character would just stand there, unable to move toward and attack the targeted, while taking damage from the mob in front of you - something to keep an eye out for :/ (ranged classes would shoot toward the targeted mob, and hit the mob in front of you in the process)
- Skeleton King battle was not fun at all - having to be in melee range meant I was taking all of his attacks while only dishing out my own, plus had the extra skeletons to contend with (which also weren't dropping health globes!)
- quite an annoying "better-than-you" voice - fits his character, just not sure I want to listen to it all game long
- seems to do quite a bit of damage high and low level
- the "Signature" abilities don't cost mana (see Witch Doctor), which is great
- Shock Pulse (free to cast) and Arcane Orb are great for clearing out passages, or when swamped by mobs - especially when you spam them ;)
- Disintegrate does some serious damage, but is very mana hungry, so will probably need some mana regen for it
- felt much easier to take on multiple (even special) mobs and bosses than with the Barbarian - being ranged gives you a big advantage
- Skeleton King took a little longer than some of the classes, but was easy enough - kill the skeletons with Shock Pulse, and keep your distance from him
- not as rewarding as the Barbarian when melee'ing mobs
- seems a bit strange to have two swords equipped (to increase your weapon damage), but then run around punching mobs
- Deadly Reach gives you some ranged attack, and generates Spirit
- Cyclone Strike is a nice way of dealing with a bunch of mobs, but costs a lot of Spirit
- Dashing Strike is handy for getting to, or away, from mobs (a bit like Barbarian's Leap)
- would definitely benefit from passive Spirit gain
- took on groups of mobs (even three Unburieds at once - see Barbarian) quite fine
- Mantras might be useful, but I'm not sure they're worth a skill slot and having to recast them every 3 mins (or every 7 mins if you spend a passive skill on them)
- Skeleton King wasn't easy - being melee you still take lots of damage - but having a (mini)ranged attack sure helped!
I thought Monk was going to be my class of choice - being able to handle groups of mobs, attack ranged, have healing spells, and Seven-Sided Strike is awesome but just such a later game skill - but I think I'm most fond of the Demon Hunter or Witch Doctor (only really due to his Zombie Dogs which make things easier).