Inspired and helped by two great guys - @AndrewMohawk ( and @RC1140 ( - I've become interested in electronics and hardware. Tonight I managed to wire up a newly acquired ENC28J60 Ethernet Module to my Arduino Uno, which gives it the ability to connect to a network (great for controlling the Arduino with your mobile phone!)
It's worth mentioning at this point that I know almost nothing about electronics, how to read diagrams, or wire things up.
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As far fetched as it may be, "Hackers" is one of my favourite movies - every now and then I watch it again, or do some googling, and find new stuff... here's what I found today:
1. It took Dade 33 minutes to hack in to the TV network, not the 1 or 2 minutes we see in the movie:
2. The Mona Lisa appears several times (tribute to Leonardo DaVinci - who the virus in the movie is named after) : 3.
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I know almost nothing about electronics, but I've been looking in to the Arduino project and came across a super cheap (albeit self-made) alternative called "The Shrimp" - which, I figure, would be a much cheaper solution when deploying your invention rather than using an actual Arduino (though you'll need to add some extra parts depending what functionality you require).
The official page says that it "costs just £1.40 in components when bought in volume" (about 20 ZAR) - excluding a USB connector, which technically isn't after programming (so it can be re-used).
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For some reason I had some problems getting my MySQL homebrew installation working: Error 1:
"FATAL ERROR: Could not find ./bin/my_print_defaults" Fix for Error 1 (hopefully) :
unset TMPDIR mysql_install_db Error 2:
FATAL ERROR: Could not find ./bin/my_print_defaults Fix for Error 2:
unset TMPDIR mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql --tmpdir=/tmp And hopefully that will fix your MySQL :/ I just happened to find the above on the net, so I doubt I can be of much help if that doesn't work, just thought I'd post it.
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I enjoy programming (especially solving problems in new ways and thinking outside the box) and playing World of Warcraft... which has addons, which save settings to your local computer, which are a bit of a pain to keep in sync if (like me) you play on multiple computers.
Some addons need to save tons of data, but others achieve a lot with just a few (often boolean) settings... if only Blizzard gave addons a way to store a limited amount of data, I thought.
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Now that I have WordPress setup for multi-sites it's super easy for me to create new blogs... so I did just that for World of Warcraft.
I setup a Diablo 3 one a little while ago, but I'm hardly playing that anymore so it might not get any updates.
Anyway, head on over to my World of Warcraft blog? :)
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