PPC Cement have a new radio advert, in which a builder goes in to a store to buy 100 bags of cement but is only given 85. When he asks why, he's told that "PPC Cement goes 15%" further... that may be true, but did you spot the mathematical error that's going to leave builder unable to complete his job?
It's true that 15% of 100 bags is 15 (100 / 100 x 15 = 15).
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UPDATE: I've written a new blog post on updating the P970 to Android 4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich, and rooting.
I recently got an LG Optimus P970 on a RedBull Mobile contract, and wanted to root it. It wasn't as easy as I was hoping, but I finally got it right, so thought I'd document my steps here.
DISCLAIMER: I wont take responsibility for anything that happens to your phone as a result of following any of these instructions, I know very little about Android phones and rooting them so will not be able to help you with any questions.
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I'd been putting off upgrading my iPhone to iOS 5.1 because there isn't an untethered jailbreak for it yet... but after watching out for how often I actually turn my phone off (hardly ever), I decided a "tethered" jailbreak would be good enough for me.
I wanted to give my phone a "minimalist", "clean" feel, and I think I achieved that rather easily with only a few tweaks:
Here's how I did it: (these are all apps/tweaks inside "Cydia", apart from the wallpaper obviously)
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I've been wanting to for a while, and I've finally setup a Diablo 3 site :D
It doesn't have a fancy name, or domain, but the content should be good - keep an eye on it if you're interested.
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UPDATE: Since writing this blog post Blizzard have disabled the below functionality (icons+colours)
Diablo 3, like World of Warcraft, allows the use of colors in general chat. You can use some pre-defined color names, eg: {c_red}text{/c_red} (to type in red), but you can also enter aRGB values like so:
{c:FFFF00FF}PINK!!! PINK!!! PINK!!! {/c} {c:FFFF8C00}DARK ORANGE!!! DARK ORANGE!!! DARK ORANGE!!!{/c} {c:FFD2B48C}TAN!!! TAN!!! TAN!!!{/c} {c:FF000000}BLACK!!! BLACK!!! BLACK!!! {/c} Producing:
There are also pre-defined colors that match up to in-game tool tips and item colors:
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NedBank just released a new advert, showing off how they're going to engage with their clients socially on the net. Not a bad idea, but the advert is such a load of far fetched crap I just have to wonder a few things (considering SOME of us that use the internet actually know a thing or two about it):
Firstly, some l33t code they show us:
Which, if I read it properly, is something like this:
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