Hacking, Coding and Gaming | @[email protected]

I'm trying to get Mac OS X to run on my Samsung R590 and I'm not having much luck... I can installed 10.6.3 from my retail disk, using iBoot, and it's usable - though the ethernet or wireless LAN adapters don't work, and I have to reboot with iBoot every time. Although I have no clue what I'm doing, I read that I may need a "DSDT" file - and I couldn't find one for my laptop - so I set about extracting it and fixing it (well, trying to anyway - I did seem to get rid of the errors and warnings).
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I'm busy converting a project of mine from PHP in to Ruby, and one of the things it needs to be able to do is convert a bunch of hex characters into a string (and vice versa)... which I wasn't sure how to do, so I hit Google. As it turns out there seem to be several other people who've needed to do the same thing, without finding the answer they were looking for, so I got to trying to code my own functions and managed to come up with this:
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I just found this gem, in some of our billing code: $ci = $this->paymentMethod; $cc['CC_CardType'] = $ci['CC_CardType']; $cc['CC_Number'] = $ci['CC_Number']; $cc['CC_ExpMonth'] = $ci['CC_ExpMonth']; $cc['CC_ExpYear'] = $ci['CC_ExpYear']; $cc['CC_Name'] = $ci['CC_Name']; $cc['CC_Street'] = $ci['CC_Street']; $cc['CC_City'] = $ci['CC_City']; $cc['CC_State'] = $ci['CC_State']; $cc['CC_Country'] = $ci['CC_Country']; $cc['CC_Zip'] = $ci['CC_Zip']; $p->loadCreditCardPayment($cc, $total, 0); First it copies A ($this->paymentMethod) to B ($ci), then copies each value of B in to C ($cc), and then passes C to the function.
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This is how NOT to comment your code: #addCreditCard function addCreditCard(){ ... code removed ... //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #addBankAccount function addBankAccount(){ ... code removed ... //----------------------------------------------------------- #deleteCreditCard() function deleteCreditCard(){ ... code removed ... //----------------------------------------------------------------- #deleteBankAccount() function deleteBankAccount(){ ... code removed ... Now I totally understand that for doc-generating programs, and certain IDEs, you're meant to put comments above your functions describing them and the parameters use... but who does this (above)? Are you really so stupid that you need to put the function's name in a comment above.
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My birthday present from my girlfriend - a commissioned painting by an artist we both like (http://kirstentjie.deviantart.com) painted to the inspiration of "Orbital - Halcyon On and On" (the paint was still a bit wet when this picture was taken, it looks even better in real life :D)
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There are some awesome 8-bit (think arcade games) color cycling demos, using HTML 5, over at EffectGames - definitely worth checking out. (lame GIF animation by me :P)
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