Hacking, Coding and Gaming | @[email protected]

UPDATE (15 July 2010): An "official" version of USB Webserver 8 has been released, please use this instead of my "unofficial" version. You can download it from http://www.usbwebserver.net/ This is an unofficial updated version of USB Webserver. The original USB Webserver was created by http://www.usbwebserver.nl - but their site is currently down, and they haven't released an update for a while. This version contains: Apache: 2.2.11 PHP: 5.2.10-dev (with GD and cURL) MySQL: 5.
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I decided I wanted to start using memcached because it's really awesome, but really struggled to get it working in Windows on PHP 5.2.3 because I couldn't find the stupid "php_memcache.dll" file I needed (at the time of writing this, Pecl4Win is down... which happens to be where the official PHP documentation tells you to get it from - great). Luckily I came across this blog post, which not only tells you how to to install the extension (adding 1 line to your "php.
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I've been using FileZilla 2 for ages, but changed to FileZilla 3 yesterday (previously version 3 didn't allow you to edit a file by double clicking on it ?!?!?! which it finally does). I hadn't been using it for very long when I found some two things that REALLY annoyed me (specifically version 1\. When you "edit" a file and make and save any changes, FileZilla pop-ups a message saying "
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I found this article this morning, about some scientists who suggest that the universe is laid out in a fractal pattern... which is pretty hectic. Of course this challenges the current "big bang" theory, so "Many cosmologists find fault with their analysis, largely because a fractal matter distribution out to such huge scales undermines the standard model of cosmology", even though "Nearly all physicists agree that on relatively small scales the distribution is fractal-like" - what amuses me is how religious people are mocked for, and accused of, holding onto their beliefs and disregarding "scientific evidence", yet it seems the same thing's happening here?
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FireFox 3.1 beta has just been released (portable version available here), and the "Ctrl+Tab" (for switching between browser tabs) has been changed to work and look more like "Alt+Tab" in Windows... showing you a picture of each tab you have open and allowing you to switch between them. Or as they put it "A new tab-switching shortcut that shows previews of the tab you’re switching to" - gee, thanks. Personally, I HATE this new functionality - hasn't anyone ever heard of that say "if it aint broke, don't fix it"?
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I use a couple of programs that I probably couldn't live without... most of them are portable (or can just be run without needing to be installed), and all of them are free. Combined they weigh in at under 20mb - a very small price to pay for the functionality. I've listed them in alphabetical order, and will provide a brief description of what they do and why I use them, but it's up to you to read more about them and try them out:
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