I wrote a hack that lets you keep selling the Whirling Dervish's beard to Keapon Laffin in the remake of Quest for Glory 2, like you could do in the original version of the game (it was a bug). It's probably really buggy, and might crash your game and/or corrupt your save game(s) so use at your own risk - and what ever you do, please do NOT report bugs while using this hack on the AGDInteractive forums.
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There's a thread on the Quest for Glory 2 remake's forum dedicated to fan art - which I saw today for the first time. One of the forum members, by the name of "Lady Pyro", has some incredible sketches that are definitely worth checking out.
My two favourite are below, along with coloured in versions by Hollister. Check out the thread here: QFG Artwork
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So Google have released their own browser, called "Chrome" - am I the only one who thinks it's logo looks like a Pokeball (from Pokemon)?
You can download it from here: http://www.google.com/chrome
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I found a few extra items in the Quest for Glory 2 remake, including the elusive Blue Frog (which allowed you to cheat, in the original - "suck blue frog" anyone?)... Apparently you get it using the bellows with the air elemental in, and use it by pressing F10, or something like that?
And now for some of the items:
(yes, I know, these screen shots look horrible with the Windows frame around them, I was too lazy to cut them out)
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A company called Fromdistance has released a program for Series 60 Symbian cell phones, which allow you to use your phone as a Web Application SMS Gateway.
Basically you download the Series 60 (Symbian) client and install it on your phone. It will check their server for any "queued" messages, and if it finds any it will send them out - so the message will come from your number, at your expense (or for free, if you have free SMSes).
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I saw this on my way home from work - it's a Lamborghini Countach. I want one. When I was younger a had toy of one next to my bed, it was my dream to own one (but white).
More info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamborghini_Countach :)
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