Hacking, Coding and Gaming | @[email protected]

I FINALLY got around to changing the theme on my blog... I guess I was kinda inspired by last month's webstats - so I may as well give my visitors something slightly more pretty to look at. It's a modified version of a free theme, and I got Michelle to make the new header - thanks Michelle! :D
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There's a new "Wolfenstein" game coming out, hi-res trailer here. There's a "co-op" mod for Doom3, which is lots of fun. Download here or visit the site. Apparently Red Alert 3's minimum system requirements (summarized) are : Windows XP, 2.0GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 6GB disk space, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or ATI Radeon X1800 video card (and sound and DVD drive). Team Fortress 2 still rocks - oh wait, that's not new ;)
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I found two cool Spy videos yesterday, but don't have the right plugins installed to post them on my blog properly, so you're just going to have to click the links below to watch them: YouTube - Team Fortress 2 - Don't meet the Spy! (Original English) That Pineapple is a spy! - TF2 video I played some TF2 as spy after watching those videos... but I sucked really bad :| I blame it on low fps, and high ping.
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A TF2 Sentry made out of Lego... what more do I say, other than "WOW!" :D See original page here.
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There's supposed to be a Magic The Gathering "pre-release" (for Eventide) this weekend. I already had other plans, and couldn't find any information for it in my area, so I didn't go. It's been quite a while since I've played Magic The Gathering, but I really miss it :| It's also a pitty it's darn expensive these days. These cards have absolutely nothing to do with the new set, but they make for an awesome combination ;)
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Ooh... I want Nintendo Wall Graphics!
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