This has to be one of the funniest Team Fortress 2 comics/pictures ever :D Spy totally rocks, heh.
Originally from
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Firefox 3 beta 4 has just been released (which means there's a Firefox 3 beta 4 Portable, by out as well)... which is great, because Firefox is becoming better (and faster) with every release. Unfortunately it takes a while for addon/extension developers to update their extensions to support these new versions/beta's - luckily it's really easy to hack them to get them installed (though they don't always work) - some haven't been updated since Firefox 2.
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My brother has to learn "LINGO" for varsity... basically it's a programming language "to make building and solving linear, nonlinear and integer optimization models". Yeh I'm not really sure what any of that means either, but I'm the computer programmer in the family, and my brother's the genius/mathematician so I said I'd try and figure it out and teach him...
It's really good at what it says it does, but the logic and data-typing is horrible (but has made me appreciate PHP so much more!
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Someone called "blagpuss" made a Team Fortress 2 song :D you can listen to, and download, it at (it's called "Need a dispenser right here", original forum post here).
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I'm going to watch "Andre the Hilarious Hypnotist" tonight at the Baxter - if you haven't seen him before, you're missing out, it's one of the funniest shows you'll ever watch. Tickets are available through CompuTicket. I try and go every year :)
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